The Balinese are one of the 250 ethnic groups in the Indonesian archipelago. Most of them (95%) are Hindus, a religion which came from India, passing through Sumatera and Java. After the fall of Majapahit empire all the Hindu aristocrats and the common people fled to Bali, bringing along their religion, traditions, literature and arts. Other religions like Christianity or Moslem, Buddhism are also in Bali. But all live in peace, there is no conflict of religion or conflict of ethnics. The population of Bali are three million people.
Most of them live in the southern part of the island. Here the tourist resorts are located such as Sanur, Kuta and Nusa Dua. The Balinese people are very creative. They have created and are still creating various kinds of artistic creativities such as wood carving (statues), paintings, gold and silver smith, handicrafts, dances and religious offerings. Nearly everyday there are religious ceremonies in the temples spread all over the island. There are the so called "Bali Aga"; people, the original Balinese communities in several places like in Tenganan or Trunyan. It is worthwhile to visit them there.
CLIMATEBali has tropical climate all year with two different seasons namely dry season from April to October and wet season from November to March. The average temperature hovers around 30 degrees Celsius year-round. The average yearly rainfall between 893,4 mm till 2702,6 mm with average humidity is 79%.
Bali WeatherPOPULATIONBali has 5.632,86 square kilometers of land.
The total population is approximately 3.021.247 people.
IMMIGRATION & CUSTOMS Immigration Offices:Jl. D. I. Panjaitan, Niti Mandala, Complex Renon - Denpasar
Phone : (62 361) 238 168
Ngurah Rai Airport Complex, Tuban, Kuta
Phone : (62 361) 751 038
Customs regulations allow, per adult, a maximum of one litter of alcoholic beverages, 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 100 gram of tobacco and a reasonable amount of perfume. Photographic, video and filming equipments, radio, typewriter and car are admitted as they are recorded in you passport on entry and taken out on departure. Narcotics, arms and ammunition TV, sets and Chinese medicines are items that strictly prohibited while fresh fruit, plant and animals must be passed by the Quarantine Office.
BANK & MONEY EXCHANGEMost foreign currencies are easily changed at banks, hotels or money changers. Banking hours are from 8.00am to 14.00 noon Mondays to Fridays, and from 8.00am to 11.00am on Saturdays. Bank in Hotels usually stay open longer hours while Money Changers are generally open till evening. ATM is available in many places, provides VISA, MASTER, ALTO and more.
MEDICAL SERVICES & HOSPITAL Hospitals and Health Centers staffed by well trained doctors and medical-assistants are available in major tourist resort and the Provincial Capital. Public Health Centre is also available at every Sub district unit.
Sanglah Hospital Jl. Diponegoro, Denpasar Ph. (62 361) 227 911SOS Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai 505x, Kuta Ph. (62 361) 710 505 | Bali Medical Center Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai 100x, Kuta Ph. (62 361) 761 263 |
Police : 110
Ambulance : 118
Fire Department : 113
SAR : 115/151/111
Bali is linked via satellite to all major countries in the world and to make an International call can be made from any private house, business center, hotel telephone, or "Wartel" (Telecommunication Counter).
Internet is also can be reached at many "Warnet" (Internet Counter). For local and international phone and fax service look out for a sign like this: Int'l Direct Dialing 001 or 008 + country code + area code + local telephone number. Int'l Direct Inquiries : 102, 101
Local Inquiries : 147
Operator Assisted : 110/104

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